
Richard Porter.

Dick Porter: former Sightsavers CEO was “a friend and mentor to so many”

During his 11 years at Sightsavers, Dick transformed the organisation and mentored many people who went on to leadership positions across the sector.

August 2022
Sightsavers CEO Caroline Harper smiles alongside two colleagues. She's holding a pen. In the background are some brightly lit skyscrapers.

Sightsavers pledges at least US$25 million to help beat neglected tropical diseases

The funding, which will be spent between now and 2025, will help to protect millions of people from the harmful effects of NTDs.

June 2022
Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame speaking into a microphone.

Sightsavers’ Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame re-elected to UN disability committee

Gertrude, who was nominated by the government of Ghana, was elected alongside five other women and will serve on the committee until 2026.

June 2022
A man with a bandage over his right eye smiles for a photo with his young grandson.

Who is Hussain fundraises for Sightsavers at half-marathon

The charitable foundation is raising £35,000 for Sightsavers’ work in Pakistan through its Sprint for Sight campaign.

May 2022
A girl wearing a cloth face mask adjusts her glasses to read a vision chart.

WHO guide aims to help countries tackle global eye care crisis

The guide provides a framework and technical tools to help countries prioritise eye health issues and deliver high-quality, inclusive eye care services.

May 2022
Dr Caroline Harper hands a cheque to Yannis Vardakastanis, president of IDA.

Sightsavers and International Disability Alliance join in $1 million partnership

The unrestricted grant will help to advance disability rights worldwide, enabling the IDA to increase its advocacy work, provide technical assistance and support people with disabilities.

April 2022
Rakiya speaks to one of her students before the eye test.

Sightsavers celebrates partnership anniversary with Spectrum Markets

Spectrum Markets has been supporting Sightsavers’ childhood blindness project in Nigeria, helping to screen children for vision impairments and provide treatment.

April 2022
An eye health worker shines a torch into a woman's eyes to check for eye issues. She's wearing a colourful pink headscarf.

Sightsavers publishes new eye health research in partnership with RSTMH

The research supplement highlights how non-governmental organisations such as Sightsavers can generate high-quality evidence through their programmes.

April 2022
Tom, Emily, Rachel and Alyssa pose at the Charity Film Awards.

Sightsavers films win gold and bronze awards at charity film gala

Two Sightsavers films about inclusive education and trachoma have won awards at the fifth Charity Film Awards, which celebrate the best films in the sector.

March 2022
A man stands in a fast-flowing river examining foliage for black flies.

Sightsavers partnership aims to research the impact of climate change on NTDs

Sightsavers and the Walker Institute will explore different climate change scenarios to predict areas that will be most affected by neglected tropical diseases in the future.

March 2022
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