BBC Radio 4 listeners help to save sight

A young girl sits alone on a large tree stump.

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Transform the lives of more children like Asha


Sightsavers is an international organisation that prevents avoidable blindness and restores sight in some of the poorest parts of the world. We’re proud to be working with BBC Radio 4 to raise funds for sight-saving cataract operations that help people in these rural communities to see again.

You can donate to the Radio 4 charity appeal from 7.55am on Sunday 15 April, and throughout the following week. Your gift could help to save the sight of more children like Asha.

Born with cataracts in both eyes, six-year-old Asha was passed from home to home until she was eventually sent to live with a family in Zanzibar.

Asha was terribly shy and self-conscious. As she grew and her condition worsened, her family struggled to care for her. And because many families living in poverty believe that cataracts can’t be treated, they started to see her as a burden.

But thanks to the support of people like you, Asha received a sight-saving cataract operation. Not only has her life changed, her personality has changed too.

She used to be embarrassed of her cloudy eyes and would constantly hide her face with her hands. But you’d hardly recognise Asha today – she’s a big bundle of energy, skipping and singing as she plays in her village.

Asha’s transformation is incredible, but there are still thousands more children like her who have been born with cataracts and need your help.


All your gifts help to achieve our aim of changing lives for the better.

You’ll be transforming lives

Every gift you give helps change lives for people in the world’s poorest countries. Since our work began, your donations have provided 6.1 million cataract surgeries and 332,000 trachoma operations. Our donors have also helped us to support more than 180,000 people with disabilities, enabling them to live full and independent lives.

We think it’s money well spent, and we hope you do too.

You can change lives for the better

I would like to make a

Could help provide a child with a sight-saving cataract operation.

Could provide a child with a sight-saving cataract operation.

Could provide three cataract consumable kits for 15 cataract operations.

We're sorry, but the minimum donation we can take is $3
We're sorry, but we cannot process a donation of this size online. Please contact us on [email protected] for assistance donating over $10,000